The Beginning

The IME story commenced 50 years ago when Waverley Cinema Pinewood commenced operation in the Mebourne suburb of Mount Waverley on August 10 1974.

From that period on the cinema specialised in supporting the local schools, clubs and societies in the area with fundraising and group screenings.

There had been almost daily film luncheon screenings for the many Senior Citizen clubs, Red Cross Auxiliaries, Rotary-Lions clubs etc as well as nightly fundraisers for Masonic Lodges, Football Clubs, School Parents Associations complete with full supper catering.

There were many ups and downs for the cinema over the almost fifty years of operation as it competed with the various new forms of entertainment that evolved over that period, such as the first multiplex in Australia, Hoyts Chadsone 8.

The first challenge was color television, then along came the competing multiplex cinemas, then Beta-VHS videotape home entertainment and of course more recently online sreaming services such as Netflix etc.

The cinema was able to survive against all of these competing forces by concentrating on servicing the needs of the community groups with the fundraising services.

One of the most popular formats was the Instant Movie Event concept where we managed the entire event for the fundraiser so that they were relieved of the hassle of collecting money-issuing tickets etc.

All was going well until March 2020 when COVID arrived and shut down the cinema for almost two years.

On reopening after COVID the owner, at the age of 81, realised that the challenge of rebuilding the business after the pandemic was better suited to a younger generation and as a result decided to retire.

Waverley Cinema Pinewood is now operated by the Showbiz Group who have the expertise, energy and resources to take the cinema into the new era and continue to service the many fundraising and social groups in the community.

...but not the end.


The Instant Movie Event format was so popular that we decided to adapt it to suit fundraising groups and clubs anywhere in Australia using the cinema of their choice.

It has been redesigned to assist fundraisers in creating an event with a few mouse clicks and then being able to choose whether to run or manage the event themselves, or use an event ticketing service such as Trybooking or activate their simulated event and use I M E to run the event for them.

It's all about having a choice.

We suggest you [RETURN TO EVENT SIMULATOR] and [View Event Control Options] to obtain more information on the alternatives.